Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Nutrition and Weight

I am annoyed with myself for a few reasons.
1. I feel like I have been gaining weight the past few weeks even though I've been training a lot. I want to be somewhere between 125-130 but am creeping closer to 135. :(
2. Does this really matter? I'm not doing tri's to win. Maybe it's muscle? I know I'm in better shape than I've been in for a while (maybe ever?). Shouldn't that be the most important thing? My body weight is healthy so what's the big deal?

It's just that nagging feeling that I hate not looking like a triathlete. But maybe I do look like one and am just being hyper-critical. And what does a triathlete look like anyway. Are we talking real people triathletes or professional triathletes?
Argh. It's annoying. I want to not care but I can't help it! And, I'm not very good at watching what I eat. I like food. I feel like the majority of what I eat is healthy.

Ok, so here is my plan.
1. I am going to keep a food journal, this is supposed to be a good tool for figuring out where I can improve my eating habits.
2. 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day
3. I talked to my doctor today and she said I should be getting about 1200 mg of calcium a day. That is 120% of the daily value. So more low-fat dairy or other calcium sources.
4. I HATE doing core work, I think it's so boring, but I am going to do it more often (meaning I am going to do it at all, starting with about 5 days a week for about 10 minutes). This will help me feel better about myself AND having a strong core is really important anyway!

I have some other ideas for what would make a good daily diet but this is enough whining for now. If you are reading this and have some thoughts on weight and nutrition for triathletes, I'd love to hear them!

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