Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I figured once I got back from Colorado Springs I would sign up with a coach in Ft Collins and/or join a tri team. Being on a team has a lot of benefits (fun and motivation probably being the biggest two to me), but it is also kind of crappy to have to create my schedule based on a team schedule. Since my schedule as a grad student is relatively flexible, I prefer to be home in the evenings when possible so I can hang out with Chris. Problem is, one or both of us have commitments every night except Thursday, so that limits how much time we can spend together.

No matter what I decide, I really like the idea of working from 7-3:30 Mon-Thursday, and from 1-5 on Friday (I volunteer at a house for youth on Friday mornings). What I like about this is - I have about 2 hours after work during which the weather should be nice and Chris won't be home yet. So it doesn't interfere with our time together. Also being at the office early while it's quiet is kind of nice if I can wake up.

I have come to really enjoy swimming with a Masters group (I've been swimming at the Ft Collins Club). It is way more entertaining than swimming by myself, and I miss very few swims since I know I am paying for each one! So I want Masters at least once a week. Also the thing that Chris does on Wed. night is softball, and I can play too if I want (or have any extra energy after training 10-14 hrs a week??).

Another amazing thing is the two-a-day. I think I can realistically fit 9 workouts into 5-6 days of training. So I will always have at least one day off :) A good thing to do on one of those days off would be yoga ... since I have given up on strength training. I will look into that. In the mean time I have some decisions to make. I will "test drive" the 7-3:30 schedule next week (supposed to be a 12-13 hr week) and see how it goes before making any commitments.

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