Sunday, May 10, 2009

Weeks 16 & 17: taper, rest, and fundraising

I think my taper was pretty effective for the half. Thanks to Gale Bernhardt for a great training plan! The week before the half marathon, I:
swam 1:00 and commuted on Tuesday;
commuted and did an easy 30 minute run Wed.;
rode an easy 15 miles on Saturday.

This week, I decided it was my last chance to be a bum until after the half ironman. So I did minimal training and tried to get a lot of sleep. Unfortunately the week was kind of busy but I still enjoyed the extra rest. The only training to speak of was today, I went for a 35 mile ride up Rist (not easy!).

Next week I get back into it! I am getting anxious about managing my time this summer. I have a few weeks planned with 13-14 hours of training, and they happen to fall around when I am thinking of taking my prelims. :( I guess I might need to rearrange some workouts if that is the case. Time management will be very important!

Also I have written a letter for fundraising to go along with the half ironman. My goal is to raise $30 per mile for Faith Alive AIDS clinic or Global Strategies for HIV/AIDS Prevention. Both are worthy causes but the latter might be easier to set something set up with. I've sent an email to some one at Global Strategies so hopefully I hear back soon! There will be more on this soon.

1 comment:

  1. make sure to send me the info about donating money

    and I really do think we should do a bake sale
